Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 147

It's finally almost here: moving day! The day when we can move upstairs into our bedrooms! Daddy and Mana painted upstairs today, and of course, Mama was Mama, taking care of her babies. :) After their hard work, Daddy took us (including Aunt Holly) to dinner at Cassanova's up the street, where we enjoyed a nice Italian dinner. We'll work tomorrow also, while the little ones go to the park, and hopefully get our stuff moved up by the end of the day. I hope, I hope, I hope!! 

Luciana went to sleep tonight with minimal meltdown, yay!!! She may be in her own room in a few days, am I really ready to let her go??? Wow.... No more babies for Mama to have in a basket by the bed? Weird... And sad. She'll still be my baby, just a few feet further away, snug in her crib! We are thrilled she's growing so well, and seems ready for the next step in her life: sleeping in her own bed. :) I will continue to nurse Luciana for the next 6 or 7 months (hope, hope!) and that'll remain our special time together. What fun raising two beautiful, sweet girls.... We are so lucky. :)

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