Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day 162

The girls had a great Easter from start to finish! We woke up & Daddy was home, which was awesome, and then we all went downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny brought. Luciana got two chewable books, a plush chick rattle, and some bubbles, which she'll have to watch Penelope blow for her! :) We went to Grandaddy's for lunch, and an Easter egg hunt. We enjoyed visiting with family & taking a walk down by the bluffs overlooking the beach. Pretty day, too! :)

Luciana was well behaved all day, and we were so pleased with how well she was today... She was in a great mood & seemed to really enjoy everything. Tonight, Luciana is sleeping alone in her bedroom for the very first time. Mama is a little worried, but not for her safety (obviously), but for how night nursing will go now. We'll see if she can drop a feeding gradually until she is used to one maybe, and is hopefully sleeping through the night. Mama will miss her though... Hearing her breath, her little groans and bursts of gas here & there :) I know it's for the best, but it sure isn't easy to let your baby go, even just down the hall!!

We'll see how she does tonight & report tomorrow.


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