Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 158

Yesterday was a busy day, lots of driving, but good. We went up to LA to say goodbye to my parents-- they were going to leave the next day (today). We visited at my uncle & aunt's house, and the girls got to see lots of family who've never met Luciana! :) My grandma wa especially happy to spend time with them... She gave lots of hugs, and told me over and over how beautiful they are. They were both super sweet and well behaved, making our visit easy and fun. The drive home-- not so fun. LA traffic is something I'm so completely OVER. I can't believe I ever thought that was acceptable to endure day in and day out!! The whole city feels so different to me now, and I appreciate quiet, clean, beautiful Orange County even more! 

Here's a pic of Lulu & her Great Grandma:

What a happy girl.... So proud of her!! :)

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