Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 137

We're back to Monday, which means more construction in the Rindge house-- today the wood flooring person came to install our pretty hardwood floors! :) We have been living in our den and kitchen since Valentine's Day-- that's more than a month ago, and I estimate we'll be here another month or so. Tom thinks sooner, so I hope he's right this time! We are getting through it all pretty well, though, and the girls are handling it well. Luciana is able to nap through the pounding, drilling, and noise, so that's a plus. 

Today we had a bit of rain, so we ran errands around town, and that kept us busy alllllll day, into evening, actually. We didn't stop until after dinner! Luciana is such a trooper through it all, I'm so happy I've gotten her used to noise, travel, being in her Bjorn and on the move, because she just rolls with whatever we're all doing. 

Tomorrow we have more errands, so it'll get us away from the noise again, thankfully. Hope the rain goes away, so we can make a stop at the park too. 

Here's Lulu and Mama tonight:

Goodnight ;)

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