Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 134

Here's how I put Luciana down when she's fussy in her bouncer or swing-- she likes being on a flat surface so she can reach her feet! :) 

She's such a happy baby during the day!! Well, tonight she fussed a little, but she fell asleep pretty well. It's been around the same time for the last three nights-- dare I say we're getting a schedule going?? With both girls down at 7-8pm, I get giddy thinking about all the things we could do!!! Eat, go to sleep early, watch TV or a movie, or play Scrabble?! I hope our baby girl can keep it up. I'm finding more each day the key to her happiness is to just leave her be when all other avenues have been explored; swaddle, binkie & lie her down, that's it! 

Luciana is becoming more and more of a big girl each day-- I know I say that all the time, but each day really does bring new things! She is laughing for real when I make silly noises or faces, and so now I'm just a fool all day long to see and hear that tiny voice laugh! She is also holding small toys on her own now, and is really trying to keep them in her hands so she can bite them. :) 

That's all for today. We had a long day and we all need to reenergize for tomorrow! 


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