Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 121

What a hot day, but a fun day! We packed up the girls in the bike trailers and headed down to Doheny Beach, via the river trail. What a perfect beach day, but HOT!! Luciana loved riding in the trailer behind Mama's bike, it was her first bike ride! She slept part of the way, and was awake the other part, talking loudly and chewing on her hands :)  I put her in the Bjorn once we got to the sand, and we watched Penelope & Daddy play in the water-- Lu seemed to like the beach! I was worried the sun, and loud waves might not be so nice for her, but she was just fine. I was worried the sun would burn her fair skin (still to sensitive for baby sunscreen), so we kept it short and shady. 

Luciana is growing fast, and now we feel better bringing her out places, which is so nice because now we're all getting out together. :) She is so happy, such a sweetheart and easy to take care of, we hope to show her lots more places soon.

We start demo on our master bathroom tomorrow-- once that is renovated, all rooms painted & wallpapered and the hardwood floors laid down, we'll move into the bedrooms. We. Can't. Wait. This baby needs her crib!! ;)


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