Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 115

Long day. Long days when it's just us girls. We hang out at home until Penelope has her morning nap, then we go to the park, walking, or running errands. Today we had to run a few errands, and Trader Joe's was one of them. Our new TJ's here in SJC is small and (from what the manager, who was bagging our groceries, was telling me) is always very crowded. :/ I had Lu in the Bjorn & P in the cart-- I always get so many different looks when I have both girls out like this: sympathy is the top one, laughs (like, "You look funny, stressed or haggard"), or even contempt. Some folks actually look at us like I'm crazy, but we just smile and keep moving. Those people have no idea how much fun us girls have! :) We took a walk when we put our food away, since the rain seems to have taken a hike. We did dinner, baths & pjs, then bedtime for P. tonight Lulu gave Mama a hard time before sleeping-- she cried and fussed for a couple hours. :/ I can't wait till she has her own room to go to sleep in. Papa is very busy this week again, so us girls will just keep on doing what we are doing, and try to love on Papa when he is home. We do miss him.......

Here's Lu on our bed one of the times she pretended like she was going to go to sleep/

Goodnight, I really hope.

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