Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 122

Today Luciana visited with her Grandma & Aunt Holly for a couple of hours-- I hear she had a good time, until the last half hour or so, when she decided to cry. Hard. :( Our babies just aren't used to being away from Mommy yet. We have a wedding we'll be attending later this week, I sure hope she'll be happy at home with Auntie Anita!

Here's Lu on our ride home from Costa Mesa:

My sleeping beauty..... :)

And here she is tonight. I put her on a cushiony mat on the floor near where I was folding a mountain of laundry (she prefers being on a flat surface so she can grab her feet, rather than in her bouncer or swing where she can't, and gets frustrated). Anyway, I looked down at her & she was making so many faces, I had to snap a few pics:

That last one is my favorite. :) What a cutie!! Well, Daddy's at work tonight, so Lu will sleep next to Mama... I love it when I can just reach over and feel her little hand or just smell her. I know I'll miss her lots when she goes into her own room, pretty soon! :'(

We are looking at (fingers crossed) moving the girls upstairs in just over two weeks. No more one-room living!!! Can't wait. 

That's all.... Goodnight.

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