Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 120

This is how our baby girl sleeps, in her Moses basket on the floor right next to Mama's bedside...

She still sleeps swaddled-- I use a Miracle Blanket, it is a lightweight cotton thing that keeps her arms at her sides with strategically placed strips of cloth. It's really cool, and she shouldn't be able to break out of it for another month or two, that's when Penelope figured it out. After she outsmarts the Miracle Blanket, we have the Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit-- it helped P a whole bunch & I'm sure Lu will love it too! Still no sleeping through the night, Luciana still wakes up to nurse 3-5 times at night. A really, really good night she'll only wake twice, but it's rare. 

In her own time, and with a good sleep training plan by her Daddy and I, Luciana will be a great sleeper soon... We can't wait! It'll be a great day when we're ALL sleeping in this house!! ;)


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