Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 143

We had a nice day together since Papa is home, and even though the workers were making tons of noise, we still enjoyed the time with him. Us girls really start to miss him, even if it's just one day he's away! We went on a nice long walk after lunch today, down our bike path toward Downtown San Juan Capistrano, a good two mile walk!! Lu got to take a couple leisurely naps while we were sweating, and had a good time. 

We love days like this, when we're all home, and Daddy doesn't have 10 things on his To Do list, or Mama isn't stressed out beyond words.... Yep.  :)

More tomorrow... Goodnight.

Day 142

Sunday = no construction & NO NOISE!!! We fully enjoyed a quiet morning, took our time getting up and stayed in our pjs until at least noon! After lunch, Penelope was going bonkers so we decided to get out for a little while. Luciana was also upset and crying a lot so it was the perfect time for a little outing. We had never explored downtown San Juan Capistrano so we decided to go take a look, and it is so cool! We walked past restaurants, shops and a very very old mission. After an hour or so Luciana started to get hungry so we headed back home. We took a walk later, after Luciana ate and P had a snack. I love that we live on a cul de sac, it makes it really easy for me to relax and let P walk while I push Lu. 

We miss daddy but will see him tomorrow-- Sunday was a fun day for us girls! 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 141

Fun Saturday! We did lots:

1. Woke early early (as per usual) & got in some cuddles before we had to get up and movin'
2. Hit a bunch of yard sales with Mana-- we rode bikes. NOT my idea, but it was fun. 
3. Rode down to Dana Point Harbor, and by this time, Holly & Lily joined us. 
4. Ate lunch at The Brig
5. Just barely escaped harm from a huge swarm of bees on our ride home!
6. Bought meat from a traveling salesman :)
7. All piled onto Mommy & Daddy's bed for more hugs, kisses and playing. 

We really enjoyed Papa's day off and having family down for the day... It was very exhausting though! But, you know what they say: no pain, no gain! ;)
Goodnight.... We are BEAT. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 139

Today was fun, yay! We had breakfast down at Dana Point Harbor, then let Papa study while we went to play at the park. It's been sorta rainy lately, so today's sun was very nice.

The hardwood floor guy was at our place all day, and will be (I think) for at least 3-4 more days. We are getting through this renovation, and even though we have hard days or moments, we are all still pretty happy and are having fun. :)

Tomorrow is Friday, and hopefully we'll have a break from all the noise for the weekend. We'll see...


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 138

We got out of the house today since the plumber, wood flooring guy and another worker (framing our bathroom) were all here today, and the noise was out of control. Penelope cries at really loud noises, but Luciana really doesn't bat an eye! Thank goodness, she naps and hangs out like she's in the park hearing birds chirp! 

We went to a library where there's a huge park out back and enjoyed a nice spring day. Lulu is doing well lately, and is happy happy happy. We are still working on nighttime happiness. :/ I've begun to put her down in her basket to sleep before she's asleep, so that she learns to fall asleep there... Definitely a work in progress. Tonight she cried a LOT before passing out. Poor thing, it must be exhausting to cry so hard and long like that. 

Here she is today at the library:

And here she is wearing her big sister's sleep suit-- something she'll be wearing regularly soon. As soon as it fits a little better:

That is all for today. Night!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 137

We're back to Monday, which means more construction in the Rindge house-- today the wood flooring person came to install our pretty hardwood floors! :) We have been living in our den and kitchen since Valentine's Day-- that's more than a month ago, and I estimate we'll be here another month or so. Tom thinks sooner, so I hope he's right this time! We are getting through it all pretty well, though, and the girls are handling it well. Luciana is able to nap through the pounding, drilling, and noise, so that's a plus. 

Today we had a bit of rain, so we ran errands around town, and that kept us busy alllllll day, into evening, actually. We didn't stop until after dinner! Luciana is such a trooper through it all, I'm so happy I've gotten her used to noise, travel, being in her Bjorn and on the move, because she just rolls with whatever we're all doing. 

Tomorrow we have more errands, so it'll get us away from the noise again, thankfully. Hope the rain goes away, so we can make a stop at the park too. 

Here's Lulu and Mama tonight:

Goodnight ;)

Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 136

Luciana spent the day with her Grandma today while we went to Disneyland. I have to admit, even though she wouldn't have been able to go on anything and one of us would have had to stay aside with her while the others went on rides, I still missed her & wished she were with us!! We were away from 7:30 am until 4ish... It was a long day for us all! Lu just won't eat when she's away from Mama, save for that one time when we were at a wedding, so I think we'll keep our outings (without her) short until she is used to a bottle, or just a little older. I feel awful she didn't eat all day! :/ She ate well when I got home, and really made up for all her missed feedings-- she was nursing all evening, till bedtime. :) 

We have Papa home for the next four days, so we're happy about that. We will try to get him to take us on another bike ride to the beach for breakfast one of these mornings! 

Goodnight. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 135

Luciana had a good day today, but since we were up quite a bit last night, it took she & I a lot longer to really get with it today! She's doing a LOT of eating these last couple days, so I'm thinking she's maybe having a growth spurt? Maybe the waking up 5 and 6 times at night is due to that, too, who knows?!

She's happy happy happy though, and will just smile as big as she can when she wakes up in the morning, and it's just so cute. 

We'll see Papa tomorrow, and Lu will spend some time with Mana while we take P to Disneyland... We'll take Luciana just as soon as she's walking, too! :) 

That's all, goodnight 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 134

Here's how I put Luciana down when she's fussy in her bouncer or swing-- she likes being on a flat surface so she can reach her feet! :) 

She's such a happy baby during the day!! Well, tonight she fussed a little, but she fell asleep pretty well. It's been around the same time for the last three nights-- dare I say we're getting a schedule going?? With both girls down at 7-8pm, I get giddy thinking about all the things we could do!!! Eat, go to sleep early, watch TV or a movie, or play Scrabble?! I hope our baby girl can keep it up. I'm finding more each day the key to her happiness is to just leave her be when all other avenues have been explored; swaddle, binkie & lie her down, that's it! 

Luciana is becoming more and more of a big girl each day-- I know I say that all the time, but each day really does bring new things! She is laughing for real when I make silly noises or faces, and so now I'm just a fool all day long to see and hear that tiny voice laugh! She is also holding small toys on her own now, and is really trying to keep them in her hands so she can bite them. :) 

That's all for today. We had a long day and we all need to reenergize for tomorrow! 


Day 133

Today's post is being written after Mama had already been asleep & is up again to feed Luciana! :) Thank goodness I remembered. 

Today was a good one, despite the interruption in our regular schedule, we managed (and have been for a week now) to have some sort of schedule with all the noise (therefore, lack of naps in general). We wake early, let the workers in, eat breakfast and play until Penelope's nap. In the meantime, Lu naps, thank goodness, then we have lunch and venture out to the park, on errands (groceries are a constant), or wherever we might go to have an outing. Today we went on a Mommy errand, and then to the park. Luciana spent time in the Bjorn, making it easier for me to run after Penelope. 

Both girls went to bed around 7 pm, leaving me hours of free time-- it was amazing!!! Thank you, God!! :) Papa is working and we already miss him. 

Here's Luciana, Penelope & I at the park today:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 132

Long days and long nights lately... Poor Luciana doesn't get to sleep easily, and lately she's had to really cry before she passed out, exhausted. :( I hate it when she cries so hard, and anything I do won't help her stop, it seems. Well, tonight I swaddled her and just put her down; she cried for 5 minutes (if that) and fell asleep. She woke up about 10 minutes later, cried another few minutes and fell asleep again. I know now she's at that age where we can (and really should) just let her be and learn how to self soothe a bit. It's going to help her become a great sleeper like her big sis. :) As hard as it will be, no more rocking and walking her around forever, we know now it counter productive. We still cuddle and hold her, of course, it's just when she's tired, we know what she really needs now. Our girl is growing, and she's big enough now to start learning how to fall asleep on her own! 

Sleep sleep sleep sleep! It's all anyone with a baby can think a out! Lack of, in our house, but still.... :/ Our angel is worth every moment spent awake, no matter what time it is. We know she's learning, and that it takes time. 

Lots of renovations still going on at our house, and we are really getting going now! We can't wait until our second floor is done-- it's going to be so awesome! I'll wallpaper the girls' rooms, I hope it's something they'll like once their older. :) Mama is so looking forward to making each girl's room special. :)

That's all for today. Fingers and toes crossed that Lu sleeps for at least 3 hours before her next feeding!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 131

Since Papa was at work today, and the men working upstairs were making terrible racket, us girls had a nice outing together. We drove down to Dana Point Harbor and I pushed the girls all over in their double stroller. It was very nice, and Luciana even had a nice little nap during the walk. It did feel a little strange to be there without Daddy, though. :/

After Luciana let me eat dinner in peace tonight (she, always without fail, cries right as I put fork to mouth), I took some pics to capture her great mood. Here they are:

Our happy girl.... :) Tonight she went to sleep with very little crying. Sigh of relief. Goodnight. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 130

Wow, 140 days old... That's four months and 10 days, isn't it? Our baby has already shown us her personality, has been a great sleeper, and now not so much. I feel like she's been a part of our lives all along, her and Penelope, so to know its only been four months is just kinda crazy! :) In a good way. ;) 

We've been renovating the second floor of our new home for over a week now, and it's still tricky to have two babies at home during it all. We are huge on keeping our routine around here, especially naps, and so being completely thrown off lately has been tough on the girls. But.... Luciana has handled it a bit better, because she's able to sleep through all the pounding! She IS still having a very hard time at night. She cries for 1-2 hours (not straight) usually before she'll pass out, exhausted. It's hard on us, too, but mostly just because we hate seeing her so unhappy! It's hard, but hopefully it'll all be better once we can get her into her crib in a nice, quiet room (not in a basket on the floor, where she hears every snore and body shift from Mama & Daddy). 

Anyway, earlier she had an explosion that I just HAVE to share. Lu, you're going to wonder (later, when you're all grown up, reading this) why I included this. It is just too funny not to, that's why! The fact that you were just so "oh well" about it made it even funnier.  Here it is:

I washed you and your pants immediately, but trashed the onesie-- I just wasn't about to put that back on you, ever!! :) You are such a cutie pie, look at those cheeks! 

So... That's all for today. Lets hope Luciana sleeps well tonight! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 129

Our blog may be: jumbled up (Mama missed days here and there, she's a zombie sometimes), short entries, no photos, and maybe a little repetitive in what is said and what pics I post. My only excuse is that I'm extremely busy these days with the girls, this house & all the renovations happening (and planning them), keeping it sorta clean, and just life! I hope when you read it later, Luciana, you realize that I'm spending my good energy on YOU, watching you grow and not missing a thing!! :) You're my sweet baby girl and while capturing all the awesome moments on camera and on the blog are important, it's way more important to me to be with you in those moments. It's hard, yes, sometimes I am just exhausted by noon, but it's also the most fun I've ever had, raising you!! :)

Today we played downstairs while Daddy  did some home improvements upstairs. We took two walks, and you and Penelope did lots of hugging, something new that you both enjoy. That's all for today. Mama is so tired, and you'll be up soon to nurse, so I'd better get a few winks! ;)

Day 128

Daddy worked today, so us girls had a day together, just hangin'. :) It was super super hot, and we didn't last long out in the sun, it was that hot! We live less than a mile from the beach, and it was still just unbearable outside! We learned a good thing about our new home: it stays cool I side (on the first floor) on hot days. We made it an indoors day. :) Luciana napped, nursed and just watched her sister play all day, not a bad life! We are excited Daddy will be home tomorrow..... That's all! ;)

Day 125

Luciana and Penelope are getting along like sisters more these days-- like, Penelope will give Lu kisses, and Lu is forever watching her big sis. I love it... I absolutely LOVE watching those two interact. I haven't taken any pics lately, but it's just because I've been so unbelievably busy!! More to come, for sure ;)

Day 124

Me & my beautiful baby 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 127

It was a beach day for us! We decided yesterday that we'd go, so once P had her nap, we headed out on the bikes (one girl in each of our trailers) and went to Baby Beach, which is near Doheny Beach. Baby Beach was super cute, it was full of families with babies and older children. The water was shallow for the first 15 or 20 feet, making it perfect for the little ones to enjoy easily. Also, it is set in a little inlet, so there weren't as many waves, and it was pretty still water. But-- it was windy, so we actually got chilly! Especially P, who got totally wet! Luciana was enjoying the beach by lying on the shore with Mama, but once she got cold too, it was time to go. 

How nice that we live so near such a beautiful beach.... We are so happy in San Juan Capistrano! 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 126

Today we went to see Dr. Lau! Luciana had her four month check up, and she also had her immunizations. :/ We found out she grew a whole bunch! She weighs 10 lbs, and grew two inches since her two month visit. What a good girl! Both the girls waited patiently for a good long while to see the doctor, and we left in time for both to have a short nap on the drive home. I'd say it was a good visit, Lu only cried for a moment after her two shots! :) 

...sleeping beauty. :) Love my little angel so very much!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 123

Our angel sure doesn't love bedtime... At all. She is reminding us lots of her big sister, when she was this age-- didn't wanna sleep at night. :/ Hard to handle when we're all tired! Poor Daddy has to work tomorrow... Keep it in mind, Luciana, we're gonna get you back one day!! ;)

We finally got our renovations going, so hopefully we'll have her in her room soon. I must've said that a dozen times already, but it's what I have to look forward to!! That, and her fitting in the Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit! One day. (As I type this, poor Lulu is crying, wiggling around in her swaddle probably trying to bust out of it, furiously sucking on her binkie at the bottom of our bed. Poor Daddy!! :/ Sleep is all a parent of two very young children can think of, but I know she'll be sleeping through the night in a month or two, and then it's time to catch up!!! We'll sleep until 8am!! :)

Okay. I'll end this obsessive post now. Lu is doing great, she's nursing a LOT, making me think she's going through a growth spurt. I feed her on demand, and so she's really getting chubby. :) It's so darn cute-- her legs have rolls, and it's one of my favorite things in life to just squeeze them! What a doll. 


Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 122

Today Luciana visited with her Grandma & Aunt Holly for a couple of hours-- I hear she had a good time, until the last half hour or so, when she decided to cry. Hard. :( Our babies just aren't used to being away from Mommy yet. We have a wedding we'll be attending later this week, I sure hope she'll be happy at home with Auntie Anita!

Here's Lu on our ride home from Costa Mesa:

My sleeping beauty..... :)

And here she is tonight. I put her on a cushiony mat on the floor near where I was folding a mountain of laundry (she prefers being on a flat surface so she can grab her feet, rather than in her bouncer or swing where she can't, and gets frustrated). Anyway, I looked down at her & she was making so many faces, I had to snap a few pics:

That last one is my favorite. :) What a cutie!! Well, Daddy's at work tonight, so Lu will sleep next to Mama... I love it when I can just reach over and feel her little hand or just smell her. I know I'll miss her lots when she goes into her own room, pretty soon! :'(

We are looking at (fingers crossed) moving the girls upstairs in just over two weeks. No more one-room living!!! Can't wait. 

That's all.... Goodnight.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day 121

What a hot day, but a fun day! We packed up the girls in the bike trailers and headed down to Doheny Beach, via the river trail. What a perfect beach day, but HOT!! Luciana loved riding in the trailer behind Mama's bike, it was her first bike ride! She slept part of the way, and was awake the other part, talking loudly and chewing on her hands :)  I put her in the Bjorn once we got to the sand, and we watched Penelope & Daddy play in the water-- Lu seemed to like the beach! I was worried the sun, and loud waves might not be so nice for her, but she was just fine. I was worried the sun would burn her fair skin (still to sensitive for baby sunscreen), so we kept it short and shady. 

Luciana is growing fast, and now we feel better bringing her out places, which is so nice because now we're all getting out together. :) She is so happy, such a sweetheart and easy to take care of, we hope to show her lots more places soon.

We start demo on our master bathroom tomorrow-- once that is renovated, all rooms painted & wallpapered and the hardwood floors laid down, we'll move into the bedrooms. We. Can't. Wait. This baby needs her crib!! ;)


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 120

This is how our baby girl sleeps, in her Moses basket on the floor right next to Mama's bedside...

She still sleeps swaddled-- I use a Miracle Blanket, it is a lightweight cotton thing that keeps her arms at her sides with strategically placed strips of cloth. It's really cool, and she shouldn't be able to break out of it for another month or two, that's when Penelope figured it out. After she outsmarts the Miracle Blanket, we have the Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit-- it helped P a whole bunch & I'm sure Lu will love it too! Still no sleeping through the night, Luciana still wakes up to nurse 3-5 times at night. A really, really good night she'll only wake twice, but it's rare. 

In her own time, and with a good sleep training plan by her Daddy and I, Luciana will be a great sleeper soon... We can't wait! It'll be a great day when we're ALL sleeping in this house!! ;)


Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 119

We had ourselves a nice day together today-- and it all began with a dual morning nap!!! That means both girls slept at the same time this morning (around 9, after waking me up at 6). I ran in circles a few times, not knowing what to do first!!! Do I: take a hot bath & read, mop the kitchen floor, go through the girls drawers and remove all clothes they've outgrown (something I have to do now every other month!!!), or just lie down and nap with them?? I probably should've slept, but I took Luciana upstairs in her Moses basket, set her in one of the empty bedrooms and ran a bath. It was relaxing, and I am happy to say Lu didn't wake up until I was done! :)

Later we were happy Papa came home from his class, and are even happier he'll be home for the next two days. Who cares that he'll be busy with ten things-- he'll be home with us. That's all that matters.

Luciana and I took a little selfie after she woke from her morning nap... Here it is:

Her hair is growing, she's wearing bigger clothes, she's holding her head up great, and just seeming older, and is more beautiful each day, I swear. We couldn't be happier or more proud of her! 

Papa is already passed out. Lu and P too, now it's Mama's turn. Night!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day 118

Luciana & Mama had an afternoon together today while Penelope went to the park with Mana. Our morning was the usual: wake up at the crack of dawn, snuggle in bed while P eats breakfast & plays, and I feed Lu. About an hour later, she'll go back to sleep for another hour or so... She's still sleepy a lot, she's getting bigger, but still a baby!! :)

Daddy came home tonight, and the girls got to get their hugs and goodnight kisses. Yay! 

Here's Lu tonight:

Cute track pants, huh? ;)


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 117

Luciana is holding her head up so well now, today she sat up very well, with my help of course, but she's definitely improving! Also, she's fitting in some of her 0-3 clothes, she's still a little bitty one, but growing. :)  

We'll see Daddy tomorrow evening, we can't wait..... 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 116

Yay, the sun is back!! It rained for a few days, and today the sun decided to come back around and let us girls outside again. :) After Penelope's morning nap we packed a lunch and headed to the park for a picnic & to play. I had Luciana in the Bjorn, and I know she liked that so much more than sitting in the stroller-- she was able to see Penelope playing, and my GOD this girl loves her big sister. :) I have to say, all I have to do to cheer Lu up is have P come and give her kisses... It always works! My baby girl napped well today, ate well, and had lots of laughs and smiles... We had a good day!

Here are a few photos from today...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 115

Long day. Long days when it's just us girls. We hang out at home until Penelope has her morning nap, then we go to the park, walking, or running errands. Today we had to run a few errands, and Trader Joe's was one of them. Our new TJ's here in SJC is small and (from what the manager, who was bagging our groceries, was telling me) is always very crowded. :/ I had Lu in the Bjorn & P in the cart-- I always get so many different looks when I have both girls out like this: sympathy is the top one, laughs (like, "You look funny, stressed or haggard"), or even contempt. Some folks actually look at us like I'm crazy, but we just smile and keep moving. Those people have no idea how much fun us girls have! :) We took a walk when we put our food away, since the rain seems to have taken a hike. We did dinner, baths & pjs, then bedtime for P. tonight Lulu gave Mama a hard time before sleeping-- she cried and fussed for a couple hours. :/ I can't wait till she has her own room to go to sleep in. Papa is very busy this week again, so us girls will just keep on doing what we are doing, and try to love on Papa when he is home. We do miss him.......

Here's Lu on our bed one of the times she pretended like she was going to go to sleep/

Goodnight, I really hope.

Day 114

We had a fun day, it was Daddy's first day off in weeks. :) We walked down the bike path to Doheny Beach, then continued on to Dana Point Harbor for lunch-- not easy with a two little ones! :/  It was a nice day, despite the fact it was gray-- we're glad it didn't rain on us! Luciana was awake for most of our walk & time at the beach, so she slept really well later. :)

That's all for now! 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 113

Auntie Anita & Bella came to visit us today! We had a great time hanging out, and the girls just had a blast playing together (despite all the sharing issues:/). We ventured out shorty once we realized the rain wouldn't start for a while. Once we came back, the girls played some more-- and Luciana just watched them with big eyes, and almost all day had a smile on her face!! What a good girl.

We are hoping for a good nights sleep, and are excited to have Papa home tomorrow, to spend the day together. 

Nighty night!