Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 227

Happy Thursday, but Mama thought it wa Friday all day! :/ Us Rindge gals were up with the sun. And this after they were both up before the sun. :/ We have taken to sort of letting them stay in their beds if they wake up before, say, 6:30. It's been working out, too! Penelope will talk loudly, sometimes call out, "Mama" (the pushover, not Dada who is not) but then she'll fall back asleep. Lulu will talk too, but she'll also cry a little, and that is hard to lie in bed and listen to. But-- a tired Mommy is not a very attentive or very awake Mommy!! So, we are sleeping a little bit more here, and it does help. :) 

Luciana is growing sooo much lately. She was super tiny tiny up until the last few weeks, and now it seems each few days I really see how she's bigger and stronger in different ways. We love it. It's awesome! I will share one more thing our sweet baby is doing now-- she is talking more! She says "dadadadadada" :) Today I said it, hoping she'd copy me, and she did :) Anyway, I think she's super smart and gorgeous, and perfect. That is all.


(P.S. We are happy we'll be seeing Papa tomorrow, but just for one day... We'll take what we can get;))

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