Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 220

Well, the girls slept in (almost til 7am) but I was a mess because Luciana had a long night. I kept racking my brain, trying to guess why she was wide awake at 3am, but seriously, what difference does it make? She does what she wants. We hung around the house until afternoon, when I took the girls to The Habit for a burger-- I really wanted one, a good one! It was funny, I brought everyone's lunch, including Luciana's baby food and we made a specticle of ourselves in the dining room, with all the mess, noise, etc.   But the way I see it is, if we don't get out because we're afraid to deal with the girls out, we'll be stuck at home for the next few years! 

Later, I did our nightly routine of bathtime, Peppa Pig (a show that is absolutely adorable), story and bed by 7pm for both girls. Too bad Lu woke up at 7:30 and wouldn't go back to sleep until 9:15. I hope that means she'll stay asleep until at least 1am!! :/ 

Here are a few pics from today.... Night!

Here's Lu this morning-- we were outside watching Penelope play....

And then here she is gumming a baby biscuit... I was watching her like a hawk, afraid for her to finally get a big chunk off!

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