Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 208

Last day of hard work for us around the house, I think. We have worked our buns off this last week (with much help), and are feeling great about it! It looks great, feels so much bigger, now that all the clutter is taken care of, and are happy with the end result. Sure, we still have work to do-- get a kitchen table (we are using an outdoors picnic table now), figure out our dining room, organize the office, and all the finishing touches upstairs, but we are at a place where we don't feel like we're living in chaos anymore. YAY!!!!! 

The girls woke early again, and we took them with us to our yearly physicals a our new doctors' office. Since they were up before the darn sun, they were miserable at the doctor. Long naps were had after we got home! 

Lulu and P went to the park with Daddy before afternoon naps, and then we did our regular evening routine: dinner, baths, and then all of us (when Papa is home, he joins) watch Peppa Pig on TV. Once that's over, it's bedtime! The girls are now going to sleep pretty much at the same time at night. Lulu wakes up throughout the night, but her longest stretches of sleep are at the start of the night, and right before morning. Mama will be so happy once she's sleeping a solid five hours! That's all I ask!! ;)

Here's a pic Daddy took of Luciana at the park today.... Goodnight.

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