Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 203

Today began at 5:40 am. These girls are crazy!! :/ Penelope is usually awake first, and if I can get her into our bed quietly (gotta grab her mill & change her diaper first!) then I can put on Curious George and catch a few more winks. I usually need those winks too, as Lulu has me up multiple times at night again. :( I am not holding out on her nighttime feedings yet, because she's still only around 11 lbs., and I think she can use every feeding I can give her. In the meantime, we'll have to keep trying the rice cereal! She isn't liking it yet, so I'm trying not to rush it. 

After we were all up for the day and had breakfast, we hit a few local (and one not so local) yard sales. :) It was just way too hot to be walking, getting in and out of the car with both girls and a huge double stroller, and so we were kinda quick. Also, Miss Early Bird P needed an early nap! Luciana was a happy camper today, and was a peach for most of the day. She fusses for milk or a nap, and I can usy get her what she wants before she has a meltdown. :)

We found out tonight that Papa has to work tomorrow and won't be home. :'( We miss him, but are happy we'll be seeing Mana tomorrow. :) I hope the babies SLEEP IN!!!! And that means anything after 7am. Sheesh!


Oh! Here's a pic of my little angel face during her afternoon nap. She's so sweet!!

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