Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 210

We had a long, but fun day today. :) Papa made waffles for us all: Grandpa, Ann, Holly, Lily, and us girls of course. Yummmmm, such a treat! After morning naps, we packed up the bikes and went to the park for croquet AND badminton! Lulu hung out on the blanket while Penelope terrorized the playing field ;)

After that, we rode down to Doheny Beach for icecream, then home for a game of Taboo-- T and I against Holly & Lily, Grandpa was score keeper and timer. Then we all walked to dinner at Cassanovas and dessert at Baskin Robbins!!!! Can you say busy day?? :) Seriously, though, it was fun. The girls went to bed and we are just beat. We enjoyed having Daddy's Daddy (and Ann!) in town for these two days, and we'll see them off tomorrow morning. 

Lulu is still awake every two hours at night... All we can do is hope she'll break the trend very soon.

That'll be it for tonight... Bye bye!

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