Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 222

It's 10:07pm, and my sweetheart Luciana is crying in her crib. :( We are doing a little bit of tough love-- letting her cry it out when we know she's not hungry, wet or unswaddled. I hope she's learning, finally, because the crying time is getting shorter.  She's my angel, and it's still hard for me to not react when she's crying, and feels wrong. What are you gonna do, can't win! :/

We enjoyed Daddy's ONE day off from work, and we'll see him off again tomorrow, until Monday. The girls were both in atrocious moods today, so I'm sure it was really fun for Papa! :/

The best part of today was that we all napped at the same time!! Imagine that?! We were out all morning, and as soon as we got home, we all zonked out-- it was awesome. 

Here's a couple pics I took of Lulu at bathtime.... Night. 

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