Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 225

Camping day!!! We were up early as planned, but Mama was tired because Lulu had a rough night. :/ After I snuck in a few more winks (with P in bed next to me) I was finally up, ready to pack. Daddy was home early, and we got it all done together-- we filled the van all the way up:

With two very little babies, we know we must be prepared for anything, and we were!!! We were on the road a bit later than planned, but it happened. :) Holly & Lily caravanned with us, and would stay one night. 

We got to Palomar Mountain at 3ish, and were happy it was really woodsy, it really felt like camping, not like the last place we went to, it was more like a desert. We set up, P took an apple break, and I had Daddy put Lulu in the playpen:

It was a LOT of work keeping both girls happy and safe. Holly and Lily helped us sooo much, we wouldn't have been able to do it without them! We finally got through dinner (we had to take turns eating so the girls could be taken care of!) and soon it was bedtime. Basically, it took P an hour to get used to the idea she would be in the tent by herself for a bit and stop crying... Loudly. :/ I had to nurse and rock, and rock, and rock, and rock Lulu in the van until she fell asleep. It was nearly 9pm when we were ready for some fire and board games!! Once P started crying again, we called it a night. Our story should end there... It doesn't. First, it was cold, and we were all super cold/uncomfortable. Second, the girls just couldn't sleep. We were all up at least every hour. The very least! We woke up and laughed, knowing we'd have to leave that day, as well. :/ Camping is too much for our babies. Here's us when we woke up:

We got up, made breakfast & ate, washed up and went on a hike :

Then we packed it up, and were on our way home sweet home by 1pm. There you are, express camping by the Rindge family! We had many laughs, and loved spending time with Holly & Lily, but know it was probably something we'll try again at a later date. :)

So happy to be home, and I know the girls are too! The girls were troopers, I'll never forget this trip! 

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