Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 51

Luciana came house hunting with Daddy & I today. It was a looooong day-- 7 hours! P stayed at home with Aunt Holly & Lily, which she loved. Luciana was such a trooper, she barely made a peep, except when she was hungry or if we woke her accidentally. We saw many houses today, and a few we're really interested in. There are so many to see, thankfully, so we'll have lots to choose from.

Lu is asleep in between Papa & I now... I only have to make sure she has a dry diaper, a full belly, warm jammies, and swaddled snug. Then, I put her in her sleeper (a tiny rollout bed with walls so we don't roll onto her), and put my face directly on hers-- like, nuzzling her, and she falls asleep! My baby loves it, I'm just glad I figured that trick out!! :)

Here she is being carried by Daddy to see a house, and after we got back home. That's all for today! Night ;)

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