Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 41

Oh our big girl is smiling so much now! :) All we have to do is smile and coo at her a little, and she's happy as a clam. It's so sweet, her little smile just makes us all so happy. :) Today I had Luciana on my chest, and my goodness, she held her head up for the longest time!! She turned it to the left and then to the right, she looked around... She is strong! I guess we can do some tummy time now, for a short time, but she's totally strong enough. Baby girl didn't sleep as well last night as she has been the last few nights; I'm hoping it was just a bad gassy night. We'll hope for a nice night tonight... 

Here's a pic of Lu & I snuggling on the couch. She barfed on me right after I snapped this pic. :)


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