Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 29

Ah! Catchin' up! Feels good. So! Today was a cold, rainy and windy day. The kind of day we like to be cuddled up together, so we really missed Papa. We all slept in until 7:30. Sleeping in these days is 7:30... Good Lord. :/ Penelope usually beats on her wall and that wakes Mama up! :) I leave Luciana in bed, and she sleeps real well in the morning, usually because she's been up from, oh let's just say 2:30-4am. Yep, she kept Mama up last night for sure!! Bless her little heart, she has no idea she's driving me nuts! ;)

Later, she hung in there super well through our errands: picking up our Christmas tree & grocery store. She sat in her carrier and slept, or in her car seat. What a good little baby during the day!!!! Just kidding, she's awesome, and we can't complain, she's doing so well. 

Here's another pic of Luciana & I cuddling, it's our favorite pastime. Goodnight!

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