Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 27

Luciana is getting better, sleeping at night!!! I'm not saying we're sleeping through the night-- gosh no, but we are getting longer blocks of uninterrupted sleep. My goodness, and it's beautiful! I understand now why some torture methods include sleep deprivation. It's no joke!! :/ Luciana woke up after some good sleep and was awake more, too. We ran a few errands yesterday, and our baby girl did pretty well sleeping in her stroller, but did have to nurse in the parking lot of Rite Aid. :/ What are you gonna do? When my baby's hungry, she gets fed. Luciana is nursing really well now, and each day I can truly see her gaining weight. I put her in a newborn (not preemie) outfit, and it was still pretty big, but not as big. We love out big girl so so much!

Here is a pic Daddy took of Luciana last night.....

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