Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 35

We've known this angel for 35 days now, and we are still amazed with her!!! I know I am... Her little face is getting chubbier every day, her body seems longer... She's so beautiful, and I can't believe she's ours! :) I'm tired tired tired after the long nights, but so happy she is here with us now, and not kicking my insides anymore! 

Luciana is doing real well, except for some tummy problems, which is probably something all babies her age go through. I imagine her little body is still adjusting to life on the outside! Until that happens, we have gas drops. ;)

We are still enjoying having my parents staying with us, but they'll be leaving tomorrow evening. :( I've enjoyed having them here so much, and secretly hope they'll get tired of the awful cold winters in Michigan and come home already!! I  happy they've met Luciana and gotten to spend time with both girls. 

Here's baby girl now... Goodnight.

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