Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 52

Daddy's at work for the next couple days, so it's just us girls. It's a hard time right now-- add selling and looking for a home to the mix, and you have a very busy family. Today Luciana was awake more during the day, and this made it more interesting dealing with both girls at once!! If both are crying, I have to figure out which one's situation is more dire, haha. :) I think at the end of the day, I'm very tired, but very happy too.

It's bedtime, so Luciana is doing her squirmy, grunty dance... My cutie pie, I hope she wants to fall asleep soon!!!


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 51

Luciana came house hunting with Daddy & I today. It was a looooong day-- 7 hours! P stayed at home with Aunt Holly & Lily, which she loved. Luciana was such a trooper, she barely made a peep, except when she was hungry or if we woke her accidentally. We saw many houses today, and a few we're really interested in. There are so many to see, thankfully, so we'll have lots to choose from.

Lu is asleep in between Papa & I now... I only have to make sure she has a dry diaper, a full belly, warm jammies, and swaddled snug. Then, I put her in her sleeper (a tiny rollout bed with walls so we don't roll onto her), and put my face directly on hers-- like, nuzzling her, and she falls asleep! My baby loves it, I'm just glad I figured that trick out!! :)

Here she is being carried by Daddy to see a house, and after we got back home. That's all for today! Night ;)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 50

Not much to report today, just that Luciana slept like a champ last night! She was up sorta late (10:30ish, I believe), but she woke up to nurse only once at 3am. That was it, until she started stirring again at 6:30 this morning. :) I tried to keep her quiet, but she cried and woke P, and there is where our morning began! :/ I miss sleeping in a LOT. But, our baby girl is the sweetest thing to wake up next to, so I'm not complaining!!

She'll come with Mama & Daddy to look at houses tomorrow. Crossing my fingers and toes for luck-- luck that we find our perfect fit tomorrow.


Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 49

Luciana spent her morning snuggled up to Mama in the Bjorn. We had a house photographer over today, and since I was all over the place, it just made sense. She ended up falling asleep in it... So sweet. :) 

This evening, I bathed Luciana using the special shampoo Dr. Lau suggested. Luciana loooooves bath time, and was so relaxed after it, she fell right asleep! :) That gave Mama time to cook a proper dinner and for all of us to eat-- thank you, Lu!! 

Here's our angel at bath time... Goodnight.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 48

Even though we had a long day of cleaning planned for today, Luciana had to go to a last minute doctor's appointment in the middle of it all. She has tiny bumps all over her face, head, neck and chest... It breaks my heart to see, and since its only gotten worse, I felt we had to go today to get her checked out. Well, she's okay, it's cradle cap, and we have to just sort of stick it out. She also has a "stork bite" on the back of her head. That'll also go away soon. Dr. Lau says she's okay, and that she's gained lots of weight-- she's 9 lbs!! Champion eater, my little angel. :)

That's about it for sweet Luciana today. She slept and watched us clean the rest of the day. What a good girl! 

No pics... I could take one now, but it's dark, Papa is asleep. Tomorrow! Goodnight.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 47

Luciana's first Christmas was very nice-- she was asleep for most of it, though! :) While all of us were awake doing gifts, breakfast and things, our sweet angel was sleeping soundly in her bedroom. Her big sister opened her gifts for her, she received clothes from Mana & Aunt Sandy and Santa, and slippers from Aunt Holly & Lily. Awesome! :) I suppose all the toys will come next Christmas, when she can actually play with them!

We had a yummy turkey dinner at Mana's, and baby girl was as quiet as a little mouse the whole afternoon. Now her sister, on the other hand... But that's another blog post!! ;) 

Luciana is Mommy & Daddy's Christmas gift-- we are so proud of her, so thankful she's a part of our family, and all of us are having so much fun watching her grow. We love you so much, Luciana Mary! 

Goodnight, little mouse! Xx

(Pic is all of us at dinner today-- there's Lu in my arms... :))

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 46

Merry Christmas Eve! Luciana spent the whole morning sleeping-- I don't think she woke up until T & I were eating out chicken nuggets for lunch!! Baby girl needs her sleep, and that's okay. :)

Tonight while we were watching the Polar Express, Lu was in the best mood, smiling and laughing aloud! The first pic is what Daddy captured during that... 

We'll see what Santa brings Luciana tomorrow morning-- she has been a very good girl!


Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 45

Luciana hung in there pretty well today-- we went on a few errands this afternoon, after Penelope's morning nap, and it went pretty well! :) Luciana slept the entire time we were out-- and we can usually count on her for that, so that's nice. 

She was in a great mood until about 9pm, then she was not happy. It's 11:35 now, and I just got her to go to sleep. It's a fitful sleep, though, so we'll see what happens. Mama doesn't go to sleep until its apparent Lu is really asleep. I'll wait... :)

Goodnight. Soon.......

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 44

Well folks, Luciana survived her first day of house hunting! We left home at 9am, and didn't make it back home until 4, almost 5, I think? She was an absolute angel-- only woke to eat once! And that was, conveniently enough, when we stopped for lunch. :) We must've seen 15 houses, and Lu was right there with us in her Carseat carrier, thanks to Daddy. We didn't see anything today that really, really grabbed us, but we aren't losing hope we'll find our perfect home soon. :)

Here's a pic of Luciana being carried to another house by Papa. We love him!!! 

Goodnight.... I'd pay anything if it guaranteed at least 4 hours in a row of sleep. Oh well.... Life with a baby. Mama has to do what Mamas do. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 43

Dear Luciana,

My darling girl, it's Mama, and I thought I'd tell you how your day was! Well, you began like usual: rudely woken by Brutus (that's what we've been calling your sister-- you can figure that one out) before we were both ready to get up! You slept, somehow, during the morning hours out in the kitchen where P & I ate breakfast and played until her morning nap. You and I spent some quiet time together after sister went to sleep, that's always so nice! I talk to you while you nurse, and then I try to make you smile-- and lately you do! :) Your little smile and laugh are so so sweet... You are sweet, my angel. 

Later, we went for a long-ish drive to visit Daddy at work. He's currently at Fire Station 5 near LAX. You slept the whole car ride, but fussed at the fire station... Papa pushed you in your stroller to calm you. :)  

You are now fast asleep on our bed with me... You are snoring softly, and looking very cute! Here's a pic of you at bath time. I had just undressed you and had to get a pic of your cute little pot belly! :) I love you so much, honey!!! I can't wait to see what great things you'll do in your life.


P.S. see Brutus in the background? :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 42

Luciana slept today. Then she ate. Then she slept some more... Then she are again. Our sweet little angel is awake more and more, but she's still a little thing who needs lots of rest. :) 

Luciana came with me to a doctor's appointment today, and all the nurses and the doctor who delivered her said she was super cute. :) Dr. Chu also asked if we'd be giving Luciana another sister or brother-- as if!!! We love our two beautiful girls, and are happy as a family of four.

No pics of Lu today, but... I promise she's still sweet and pretty and cute. 


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 41

Oh our big girl is smiling so much now! :) All we have to do is smile and coo at her a little, and she's happy as a clam. It's so sweet, her little smile just makes us all so happy. :) Today I had Luciana on my chest, and my goodness, she held her head up for the longest time!! She turned it to the left and then to the right, she looked around... She is strong! I guess we can do some tummy time now, for a short time, but she's totally strong enough. Baby girl didn't sleep as well last night as she has been the last few nights; I'm hoping it was just a bad gassy night. We'll hope for a nice night tonight... 

Here's a pic of Lu & I snuggling on the couch. She barfed on me right after I snapped this pic. :)


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 40

Luciana went house hunting with Mama, Daddy & Penelope today! We have decided to move out of our lovely little house in Costa Mesa, for a bigger place in South OC. We have just begun our search, so we aren't quite sure where we'll end up yet. How exciting!!! :) 

Luciana was sleeping beauty the whole afternoon-- I nursed her in the car twice, and she would just go back to sleep after her belly was nice & full. What an angel. :)

Here she is tonight before bed.... Daddy took this pic before he went to sleep on the couch. Yep, Luciana, your Papa needs his sleep because he works tomorrow, not because he doesn't wanna snuggle with you! ;) We love you Papa, who works so hard to make sure we are so comfortable. :')

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 39

Luciana is becoming more and more a big-girl-baby and less of a strange looking newborn who just lies there. :) She is smiling, making different faces, looking at us, and cooing. As I type this, she just laughed in her sleep!! I LOVE it, I forgot how awesome it is to see them sort of "wake up" and become more aware of the world. She's so pretty, too... :)

Luciana was a little sleeping beauty most of the day, and now (at 10:30pm when Mama is sooo tired), she's kind of waking up. :/ Oh man, I hope she changes her mind very soon! 

Here's my baby smiling, laughing and making faces.... Night!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 38

Oh, Luciana... It took me an hour and a half (just about) to get to this post tonight... She was fussy as heck before bed :/. We love this kid like crazy, but man! She slept all day, and now she's ready to party! Yep, but it's 10:30 on, and I. Am. Tired. :/

Anyway, we took Lu to the park today, and to Balboa Island to see the Christmas lights! She slept through it all. :/

Here's a few pics... Gotta love the pic of our little angel smiling, though. Does she think one small smile will make Mama & Papa forget about all the sleepless nights, crying and screaming?! Well, it works, it works, just look at that gorgeous kid! ;) Goodnight 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 37

IWell, it's Monday -- Daddy's finally home. :) It's only been two days, but it felt like much longer. Luciana slept really well again last night, but I'm afraid to relax just yet. 

We had a low key day at home, and since Daddy needed rest (had a long night at the fire station), we made it a quiet day. 

Luciana had a bath today, and a looooong nap after-- I've gotta remember to use that before sleep as a way to help her relax. I took some pics of her when she woke up.... So so cute!! Oh, and also captured her and Papa asleep on the couch after dinner. Melted my heart. :)

That's all for today! Goodnight.

Day 36

Oops- Mama forgot to post on Sunday... here it is:

Luciana is sleeping more at night-- yahoo!! :) I realize it may be a fluke, that things may, and probably will go back to the way they were, but I got sleep last night! My parents were still with us Saturday night, and Daddy was working. We hung around the house, but since my parents were going to leave that evening, we decided to do something they'd miss when back in Muskegon: we went to Newport Beach (weather was awesome!), and had a really great, authentic burrito. It was a fun time, and Luciana was just as quiet as a mouse the whole trip! 

We finally said goodbye (for now) to Grandma & Grandpa Rodriguez... Sad, but we'll just have to get out there for a visit soon! 

Night. :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 35

We've known this angel for 35 days now, and we are still amazed with her!!! I know I am... Her little face is getting chubbier every day, her body seems longer... She's so beautiful, and I can't believe she's ours! :) I'm tired tired tired after the long nights, but so happy she is here with us now, and not kicking my insides anymore! 

Luciana is doing real well, except for some tummy problems, which is probably something all babies her age go through. I imagine her little body is still adjusting to life on the outside! Until that happens, we have gas drops. ;)

We are still enjoying having my parents staying with us, but they'll be leaving tomorrow evening. :( I've enjoyed having them here so much, and secretly hope they'll get tired of the awful cold winters in Michigan and come home already!! I  happy they've met Luciana and gotten to spend time with both girls. 

Here's baby girl now... Goodnight.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 34

Our little angel is in hog heaven with her grandparents in town! She gets held lots, cuddled, and admired all day long-- she's happiest when she's held, so I know she loves it. We have been enjoying having them in town, as well. It's just nice to have so much help, in addition. We'll be sad to see them off on Saturday evening. :/

I don't have any pics of Luciana from today, so I'll try extra hard for tomorrow. You'd think we've had lots of photo ops, and we have, but when you get caught up in enjoying the moment, it's tough to remember to capture it also. 

More tomorrow.... ;)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 33

My sweet baby girl Luciana had a nice time today meeting her grandparents, my Mom & Dad who are in town just for her. :) They just absolutely love her! My mom says she looks just like I did at her age. She loved being cooed at all day, and smiled a whole bunch! Luciana slept a lot during the day (as usual), but is awake more and more now. She is slowly making changes with sleeping at night-- like last night she slept pretty well. We got two three hour blocks of sleep, I think, and that is great!! I woke up feeling rested, and so did she. 

Ah, but that is all for today. Here's a pic of Luciana with her Grandma. :)


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 32

Today Luciana came on a little shopping trip with Mama to Target & TJ Maxx. She was asleep the whole time!! I'll take her shopping anytime! We had a nice day at home preparing for my parents to come stay with us for a few days. They came to meet Luciana for the first time, we are so excited!!! Plus, I haven't seen them in months, so I'll get to hug my Mommy & Daddy for a while!

I have no pics from today, but I'm sure I will tomorrow and the next few days. As I write this, my angel is asleep in my arms... She smells so good! :)

Goodnight... I hope!!

Day 31

Mama didn't post last night... But it was all because of Miss Fussy Pants!! ;) She was very grunty, squirmy, fussy, and just NOT tired last night. We got into bed around 9pm, and the last time I looked at the clock, it was midnight... She kept me awake with her, until Daddy told me to just go to sleep! He's right-- I was trying to put her to sleep, but she wasn't ready! I just went to sleep finally, and so did she. Ugh. Long nights. She did sleep in a bit this morning, and so did P, so that was good. :)

We love you anyway, Luciana!!! Verrrrry much. :)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 30

Day 30! We have gotten to know this sweet girl, and after a month we are head over heels in love! :) Luciana has been sleeping a little better at night, but we're still up quite a bit-- fewer times, but for longer. I just try my best to calm her, obviously nurse her, and get her back to sleep. We are still co-sleeping, her in her little bed in our bed, and it's still convenient & working for us all. I wonder how long we'll continue? :)

We put up our Christmas tree today, and Luciana was in the Baby Bjorn next to me the whole time-- she slept so well & loved it. :) 

Here's a pic of our pretty tree... Goodnight!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 29

Ah! Catchin' up! Feels good. So! Today was a cold, rainy and windy day. The kind of day we like to be cuddled up together, so we really missed Papa. We all slept in until 7:30. Sleeping in these days is 7:30... Good Lord. :/ Penelope usually beats on her wall and that wakes Mama up! :) I leave Luciana in bed, and she sleeps real well in the morning, usually because she's been up from, oh let's just say 2:30-4am. Yep, she kept Mama up last night for sure!! Bless her little heart, she has no idea she's driving me nuts! ;)

Later, she hung in there super well through our errands: picking up our Christmas tree & grocery store. She sat in her carrier and slept, or in her car seat. What a good little baby during the day!!!! Just kidding, she's awesome, and we can't complain, she's doing so well. 

Here's another pic of Luciana & I cuddling, it's our favorite pastime. Goodnight!

Day 28

Well, I guess we'll go back to posting at the end of each day... Hee hee. :)

Yesterday was Daddy's first day of a two day shift back at work. We had a few things to do, and so after breakfast, morning naps, packing & getting us all dressed, we were off! We went over to JC Penny to grab our photo CD from a sitting we did a week or so ago. I put Luciana in her carrier, right next to me under a blanket, and P was in her stroller. I love how many comments we get when I'm out with the girls like this! "Wow, you sure are busy!", and "You guys sure didn't wait to have another, did you?! Yep, total strangers say these things. After, we hit Target where I got the girls stockings, and a few other Christmas things-- we are getting in the holiday mood!! :) Luciana was a complete angel for our whole outing-- she kind I started to whine at the very end, when I was pretty much done, but I was so proud of how she hung in there. :) The key is feeding Miss Lu verrrrrry well before we leave to go anywhere. Then she's fat & happy & sleepy. 

We made it through another day, just us girls, and I'm proud of that. I'm also proud of my beautiful girls-- they make my life full, and the hard job worth all the sweat & tears! 

Here is Luciana and Mama relaxing after Penelope went to bed.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 27

Luciana is getting better, sleeping at night!!! I'm not saying we're sleeping through the night-- gosh no, but we are getting longer blocks of uninterrupted sleep. My goodness, and it's beautiful! I understand now why some torture methods include sleep deprivation. It's no joke!! :/ Luciana woke up after some good sleep and was awake more, too. We ran a few errands yesterday, and our baby girl did pretty well sleeping in her stroller, but did have to nurse in the parking lot of Rite Aid. :/ What are you gonna do? When my baby's hungry, she gets fed. Luciana is nursing really well now, and each day I can truly see her gaining weight. I put her in a newborn (not preemie) outfit, and it was still pretty big, but not as big. We love out big girl so so much!

Here is a pic Daddy took of Luciana last night.....

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 26

So, I'm trying something new with this blog-- instead of posting at night when I can barely keep my eyes open, I'll post the following morning about the previous day's happenings. :) Daddy's idea, once he saw how tired I was last night.

So, yesterday was great-- Luciana was awake more, which helps a ton for sleeping at night. We try to keep her in the living room with us and the light and noise, and I think it helps. Penelope is always trying to pet her head now (yikes!!), but it's super cute how much she's interested in her baby sister now. :)

Tonight after Papa came home from class, he captured this beautiful smile on his camera.... Melts my heart!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 25

Luciana and Mama had a loooong and frustrating night! I should add Daddy, too, because even though I have to nurse her, Daddy is woken by the screaming, and all the movement that comes from diaper changes, nursing, swaddling, and shushing baby girl to sleep. He is a sweet Daddy to stay with us in bed when (on work nights) he should be on the couch! :) We hope Luciana is sleeping as well as her big sister soon. 

Today we had a bit of quiet time while Mana took Penelope to the park to play. Those mornings when Daddy or Gayle have P are nice for us, we usually need the extra sleep on rough nights. Sometimes (while Luciana sleeps) I'll do some embroidery, catch up on trashy reality shows or clean the nonstop mess in the house. :) We also ran over to Albertson's & TJ Maxx this afternoon, and here's how we maneuvered around the shops:

Penelope in front, and Luciana in back (in her Carseat) all snug and covered with a blanket. Not bad! :)

Tonight we are hoping for a couple 2-3 hour blocks of sleep... Fingers crossed! Here a pic of our angel halfway asleep in her basket while P ran around this evening... Basically, she's oblivious to that noise, thank goodness! Goodnight. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 24

What a hot winter day it was today! :/ We had a bit of rain and cold mornings recently, but today was straight out HOT. Makes it a little hard to get in the Christmas spirit! :) Luciana had a bit of a rough day today... She cried a whole lot during the day, which she really never does. We think she must've had gas. :/ It's difficult, even though its probably nothing serious, we can never tell and worry all the same. It's part of being a parent, I guess, worrying! We took a nice walk to a park today, and that seemed to calm her, and while Penelope played on the jungle gym, she napped finally. :)

Our baby girl is definitely growing, and I can see it from week to week. She is still struggling at nighttime, but I'm sure she'll get it soon. (And by "get it", I mean realize that night is when she's supposed to sleep and day is awake time!!) She's only 3 weeks old, we're still cutting her slack!

Here's Luciana hangin' out right now while Mama blogs and Daddy reads.... Goodnight! (Goodness, hopefully goodnight for me tonight!!)