Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 6

Today was a very busy day for Luciana: wake up (after waking up every hour last night) at 7ish, nurse, sleep, cry, sleep, check out the binkie, have her diaper changed, sleep.... It's really just the crying, sleeping and drinking milk that has our girl so busy. Today, however, Luciana is having difficulty nursing. She just isn't doing so well with her latch (by the way: owwwwch to bad latches), and then she gets frustrated because she's hungry, and begins to wail. It's frustrating for us all. We will go to see her pediatrician again tomorrow to check her weight, and since she hasn't really been eating so well, I anticipate we'll be recommended formula supplement. For weight gain, as she's only 6 lbs., so tiny!! 

This evening, Luciana had her first walk around our neighborhood-- and guess who slept the entire walk? Yep, you got it, our Luciana!! :/

That's really all for today. Goodnight.

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