Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 1

(Since Luciana, Daddy & I were in the hospital & unable to create a blog there, I'm starting this a couple days late. I'm going to write as if it were one and two days ago.)

Well, today we finally got to meet our sweet angel, Luciana Mary. Luciana is a name Daddy & I thought of verrrry late in my pregnancy. We just loved how pretty it sounded, and Mary is my late maternal grandmother. 

We came to the hospital at 7am, and by 9:31am, I was on the operating table and hearing Luciana cry for the first time! :) We were so happy to know she had no problems, and was 100% healthy. We were all able to go to recovery together, and that's where Mama's pain quadrupled, at least... I didn't really get too much quality time with Luciana while my pain level was so high, so we really didn't get to bond until evening. That's the big drawback to having a c-section-- your recovery time is so much longer, and is more intense, from what I gather. We were all so tired from such a long day, so by the time I was feeling semi-human, it was nighttime. We had a visit from Mana, and then we all tried to get some sleep. Well, Miss Luciana put the kibosh on any kind of sleep for us! She decided that since she slept all day, she'd stay up all night, just to keep us on our toes! :/ By the time 6am rolled around, we were tired of even trying, so we just woke up when breakfast was delivered shortly after. What a first day for Luciana!! 

Our baby girl was born today, making it one of the most special days we'll have together... We are so happy to finally see her sweet face, and kiss her chubby cheeks! Thank God for another sweet angel, whom we love to the moon and back. :)

More tomorrow, goodnight.

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