Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 13

Our baby is almost two weeks old! I can't believe how fast it's gone already, and how much progress Luciana had made in those days. She had a little trouble nursing, and now is nursing like a pro, and sleeping is also way better. In her first days, she was up every 45 minutes to an hour-- all night. Now she sleeps in 2-3 hour blocks, and gives Mama & Daddy some much needed rest! :) We were zombies until very recently, and now we are ALL feeling better. 

Today Luciana got some new pajamas, onesies and pants in her teeny tiny size.  I think she'll be pretty small for at least a few more weeks, so at least I'm not washing her two outfits every day! 

In other news, Luciana is as sweet and pretty as ever, and is doing really well here at home. We are all getting into a good routine at home, and are happy with one more sweetheart here! 

Here's a pic of Luciana, how she's sleeping now at 9:31 pm... Goodnight. 

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