Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 5

Day 5 of life... She is still so new, so tiny and seems so fragile! We took her to her 1st pediatrician appointment at noon, and she did great. She had a touch of jaundice, so we had to go for a blood test somewhere different, but everything is okay, according to the results. Miss Luciana is tiny, she lost 12 ounces so ce birth, so we have to try and fatten her up before the doctor recommends formula supplement. We go back for her in. 2 days to check on her weight.

Later, baby girl just slept slept slept. Daddy & I exchanged many a worried look, meaning: "no sleep tonight". It's now 11:16 pm, and we are just ragged... We hope she gets day and night straight real soon!!!! 

Luciana is doing well... Oh! She's only fitting into preemie clothing right now. Yes, our beauty is TINY! :) We love her more each day. Goodnight.

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