Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 21

Our baby is 3 weeks old! :) I have to say, though, time is NOT flying at night. We are having a great time with Luciana, it's just nighttime that is still difficult. Poor baby is waking up 5-6 times on a bad night, and 2-3 on really good nights. I love nursing her and bonding, though... And since I'm nursing on demand so that she'll gain weight, we are bonding LOTS! :) Lets hope she has a good night tonight!! 

Today is Thanksgiving, and we went over to Mana's to visit-- Luciana slept the whe time! She's never awake for visitors during the day, she is usually too tired from being up all night! We were home in time for Penelope's afternoon nap, and we were all beat by that time!! We are so thankful for our happy, healthy children, and for each other. We are thankful for our families outside our home, too... :)

Here's our baby sleeping like a log right before we freaked out when I spotted a SPIDER dropping out of nowhere trying to land on poor Luciana. :/ Yeah... It's Fall, and those jerky bugs just wanna be inside where it's warm. NOT cool.

Happy Thanksgiving. Goodnight. 

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