Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 4

Today is Luciana's fourth day in this world, and she is doing great. She is nursing very well, sleeping great during the day despite the noisy house, and is seeming to focus her eyes a little more to look at us. Good job, Luciana!! :) We had a very long night, as Luciana was waking every so often to eat or cry... Mostly she just wanted to be held, and after a certain point, Daddy took over the holding duties, and let Mama sleep! What a good Daddy. He also took over this morning, when Penelope woke up-- got her ready & took her on a long morning walk. Love it. :) 

Luciana isn't recognizing nighttime is for sleeping and daytime is when you're awake, but since she's new here, we're cutting her some slack. She is sleeping with us in our bed (for the first few weeks, or until we think she's ready to be on her own in her room) and she is in a sleeper, which is kind of a bedroll with little walls making her safe from one of us rolling onto her. She's right in the middle. :) Luciana is also now exclusively breastfed. We were supplementing with formula at first, but now she's nursing well enough to sustain her and help her gain her birth weight back-- we hope!! Tomorrow is her first pediatrician appointment, and we'll see how her weight fares. I think she may be getting a few shots, so that's the pits! :/ 

That's the story for our new angel for now. More tomorrow!! :) Here she is in her sleeper on Mommy & Daddy's bed, and then her in her Moses basket earlier this evening. Goodnight. :)

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