Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Day 365

(...and, since I didn't actually post on the 365th day, we'll go ahead and include Day 366)

Dear Luciana,

Well! I did it-- I managed to document your first year of life. Posting at night became a part of my daily life, something I know I'll miss and feel strange not doing. Anyway, I'll tell you about your day yesterday. We were up before the sun, as usual, but always because of your early bird sister! You have been waking lots at night, but then will sleep in-- 7, 8, even later. Here is you and your sister when we came up to get you out of your bed:

So. Daddy had put together a special dinner to thank all those who helped him study for the captain's exam and interviews-- guys on his shift at the station, close friends/study buddies, old captains, and me. :) I was pretty surprised that he wanted to include me, as I don't think it's really customary. See, the whole dinner thing is kind of a tradition. He had it catered: prime rib, roasted vegetables, shrimp and desserts, it was a really nice spread. Grandma G was going to watch you girls, so I got us all ready for that-- me being away, and leaving notes for Grandma on you guys' dinner and bedtime rituals. 
You and I usually have some one-on-one time while P is napping, and yesterday we played with the blocks, and I watched you as you climbed up the slide (not on the stairs, either) and attempted to be a daredevil. You are fearless, child!! 

I had an amazing time at Daddy's dinner... 

I got home around 10:30, and nursed you right away-- you missed your before bed feeding, and you weren't jazzed about it. Mama passed out and pretty much forgot to post the blog on the last day of the darn thing. :/

Today, we had you and Penelope's 1 and 2 year old well checks scheduled for 2:30 in Newport Beach. We travel 45 minutes each way because we love your pediatrician that much. It's a little crazy, we can see that. You had an excellent check up, look at your report:

You are teething A LOT now, getting teeth in front, top and bottom, and molars are pushing up as well. Dr. Lau said it's likely why you aren't sleeping so well, that and because you are still nursing for the bulk of your nutrition, you need to fill up! It's fine by me-- I love you so much, and being so close to you is a treat. You'll be my last baby, so I'm enjoying every second of your being so small. :) You received 3 shots, and you cried so hard.. :'( so hard seeing that. Look at your sad little face!!

Penelope did great too-- look at her report:

She is tall for her age, in the 90th percentile, and Dr. Lau said she is advanced on her developmental skills, like communication, cognitive, motor, etc. She is a fast learner, and fiercely independent. She got a flu shot and didn't cry at all!!!! Barely flinched! Papa kind of distracted her, asked for a butterfly kiss at the moment the nurse went to poke her, and it worked! Mama was so relieved not to have two hurt babies. :) Look at Penelope with Dr. Lau:

So, that's it baby girl. You are one year old now, you are a sweet, lovable baby, and I have to say, a Mama's girl. :) Let me tell you, I've waited my whole life to say that-- to feel it, and you and your sister have given that to me! Your love. You crawl around me while I do household chores, happy to sit on my foot to be near me, and I love it. I know once you won't want to do that, it's gonna be a sad day for me! :) When I was pregnant with you, I wondered how on Earth I could love another baby as much as I loved Penelope. I fell pretty hard for your big sis! The thing is-- my love just doubled, quadrupled, even! There was room for you in my heart, and I feel it was always there for you, just for you. You are loved, and I think you'll grow up knowing that, but I want you to know that Mommy & Daddy were over the moon for you (and your sister) since you were little bitty babies in my belly. Getting to know you guys has been so much fun, an adventure even! You keep growing and changing, surprising us daily. Daddy will go to work for three days, and by the time he comes home, you've learned something totally new, blowing him away. :) 

I will cool it on the mushy stuff (I can picture you, 12 years old, just rolling your eyes at this point, haha) -- but, just know that your very existence has made your Dad and I pretty much the happiest people ever. You girls are our everything, you make us so proud. I can't wait to see the young lady you'll become, and maybe one day, the mother you will be. :) We are always here for you, Luciana.

Mommy & Daddy

November, 11, 2014, 9:29pm

(Who knows, maybe you two haven't heard the last of Mama's ramblings! More embarrassing stories ahead? We'll see.) ;)

Oh-- here you are opening Grandpa Dan & Ann's birthday gift:

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