Sunday, November 9, 2014

Day 364

We had a lazy morning and afternoon at home today-- and Daddy was home. Lulu and I got to sleep in, as long as we wanted, and that gift (to me, right now) is better than anything! Sleeeeeeeeep. I could only sleep until 6:30, but I'll take it, over 4 or 5! We went to the park after breakfast, and then the girls took naps. Lulu only slept an hour, and P slept 3, so those two hours she was up she hung out with Daddy and I-- he was watching football & I was working on the computer. Our baby was not happy that Mama wasn't paying her 100% attention, and she made it known! :) 

Tonight Lu had to skip her bath due to a very painful looking diaper rash. :( I even put her to bed an hour early, she was just over it today.

We are nearing the end of Miss Luciana's blog... One more post tomorrow and then this will become a book just like Penelope's. I hope she likes reading all about her first year of life-- how much fun we had, and even in the hard times, we still had laughs. I will never forget this year, and now I can be sure of it.

I didn't take any pics today-- we were too busy just having a good time. I'll have some tomorrow. Goodnight! (Lulu hasn't woken yet, since 6 pm and it's now 9:08.... Crossing my fingers for a full nights sleep!!)

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