Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 356

Only nine days until our baby girl is one.... She has grown so much in the last month, it's crazy. She started crawling, standing (holding on), and now cruising along furniture. She "talks more, mimics simple words or claps when we clap, she understands "no", and listens pretty well! Luciana is becoming her own person, and we are getting glimpses of who that is-- a gentle, sweet, laid back girl. We are so lucky we get to love her and her sister. 

I enjoyed spending the afternoon on errands with Lulu, and Daddy ran his with P. Sometimes we split in order to get more done, and let's be honest-- doing anything with two toddlers is next to impossible. It's like a Benny Hill episode: me running in circles, fast-motion around the girls, only to crash into the display of oranges, and the girls laugh! It is exhausting, but I'm also smiling and laughing most of the day. It's interesting how that works!

We are happy that we will be getting to see Daddy all week, evenings. He has to attend a class, so he'll be 9 to 5, and I  just love it that we will get to tuck the girls in together all week. By the way-- P is doing amazing in her new big girl bed!! Just like her transition away from her bottle, she did it without incident. Awesome! Lulu is regressing in the sleep department, so.... She's lucky she's so cute. Yaaaaaaawn. 

Here's P in Luciana's Johnny Jumper-- she was so sad once she saw us laughing at her in it! And look at how happy Lu is! Goodnight.

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