Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 355

What a day.... What a long day. Well, we usually have good days, sometimes we have tough days due to crazy kiddoes, but sometimes we have really tough days. Today was tough. Penelope fell out of her crib this morning, and somehow dislocated her elbow-- they call it "nursemaid elbow", because old nursemaids used to yank on kids' arms and hurt them! :( Sounds terrible, doesn't it?! She was in a world of pain, and Papa was at work; I had to rush her to the ER, and THANK GOD above, the doctor snapped her ligaments (or whatever) back into place, and then put us in a playroom to see how she did. She started to play, and we saw it would be okay. (Insert huge sigh of relief here, and also a tear or two-- it was absolute torture seeing her like that!!!) Anyway, Grandma Gayle was an angel, and rushed right to the hospital to help us, and we totally needed it. It would have been impossible to deal with both babies (who were crying, tired without naps!) having her help made it much less of a nightmare, we are so grateful for it! :)

After we were released, I got the kids home, fed them lunch and then we all got into bed-- Papa included, he came home from work, thankfully. We slept like four rocks. 

When we woke, Dad made P's crib into a big girl bed, and she is sleeping in it now, as peacefully as ever. She was sore all afternoon and evening, crying and clinging to us... She needed the rest! We'll see what she does at 5:45 am-- cry in bed, or get up and play in her room? Maybe stand at the gate (we put a gate outside her door to prohibit going downstairs, or God forbid, falling downstairs in the dark), and calling for us? We shall see.

Through it all today, Luciana was a trooper. She was a little weirded out at the hospital when I had to leave the room without her, but other than that-- she was amazing. :) 

Here is the only pic I snapped today-- P sitting in the waiting room at the hospital, watching Dora on Mama's Kindle. Goodnight... Goodbye to this tough day!!!

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