Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 357

Loooooooong day. Goodness. Penelope woke up at 4am, feeling like it was 5am. I usually let her watch cartoons in our bed at 5am, if she's really awake, but 4??  No. She sat in her room quietly for about 5 minutes, then called out "MAAAAAAMAAAAAA" for the next 40 minutes. :/ Since Daddy was awake for a class (poor Papa, he had a long day too) I was awake, and let her in our bed. She was completely ready for her nap by 8am! Nuts. Thank heavens Luciana slept better last night, or I don't know how I would've dealt with life today. She was up twice, which is FINE... It's the 4-5 times up nights that are awful. 

Anyway... Sleep. :/

We were all ready for our beds by 4pm , and I didn't even try to keep the girls up past 6:30 tonight. It's 9:20 now, and I'm going to say goodnight. 

Oh! Lulu is getting more teeth on the bottom.... She's getting about 5 at the same time now, woohoo! :/

Ok, for real now-- goodnight!

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