Saturday, November 8, 2014

Day 363

Happy first birthday, Luciana Mary!! We can't believe how fast this year has gone-- and how much has happened. It is amazing to think that in the last four years, Daddy and I went from planning our first date to creating this whole family, living both our dreams. :) You and your sister are gifts to us, and the happiness you guys brought us is as wide as the sky.... Never ending. 

Lulu, you only woke up twice last night, but we were still just dog tired when your big sis woke Daddy & I at 5:30... You had just last woken at 5, so you were out like a log. Daddy knew we needed more sleep, so he took P downstairs and you and I slept another two hours. That is how your Daddy is-- he loves us so much. :) When I woke up at 7, I smelled waffles-- Dad was making breakfast, mmmmmmm! You woke up at 7:30 and we began getting the house ready for your birthday party, a Hello Kitty party. By 12:30, we had the house decorated, and lunch on it's way. Grandma G, Granddaddy, Holly and Lily came to see you and bring you gifts. :) Aunt Anita really wanted to come, but she is currently verrry pregnant, and just couldn't swing it, but she had me give you a big hug and kiss! 

We ate pizza, cupcakes, watched you (and P, who helped you) open gifts, played and watched you girls laugh and have fun. It was a perfect first birthday--you had a grea time. :) By the way, you didn't really want to eat your cupcake, you just squished it around in your hands, made a huge mess, and then I cleaned you up. Haha, it was cute though!

You received lots of pretty clothes, some pjs, a bunch of little fat board books, and a rocking giraffe (that makes music and lights). 

I rocked you as I nursed you before bed tonight and kissed your sleeping face 20 times... You are so beautiful, and Daddy and I love you so much. Happy birthday, angel, I'm so excited to see all the fun things your learn this year. :) 


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