Monday, February 10, 2014

Day 94

Luciana is an angel, a super easy baby to handle during the day... But come 8pm, something happens. First she becomes very awake and happy, then she's just irritable (getting tired), then it's just impossible to get her to sleep! :/ We are going through a very tough night/bedtime phase with our sweet girl. :( She is still our angel at night, just an unhappy one, and we hope we can get some sleep training in very soon... Maybe a little "cry it out". In any case, with Papa home Luciana and I get to sleep in after our long nights, and for that I'm just so grateful. What a super Daddy my girls have, I hope they read these pages and know how much he loves them by all the time (real quality time) he spends with them. :) Last night was awful, Lu was up at least 10 times (not exaggerating) and I was just ragged when we heard Penelope cry at 7am. Daddy let us sleep until 9am, thank GOD, and did we need it! We are carrying on with packing up this house, and come Friday (it's Monday), we'll be sleeping in our new home on Paseo Blanco! It's a bigger house than we live in now, and we are so excited to make it our home. 

Now, before Luciana begins to cry again, Mama is going to sneak in a bit of sleep. Goodnight!

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