Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 93

Today Luciana attended her second birthday party-- the first she was at was her Daddy's, today was for Lily. She's 11! :) I can't believe how much she's grown in the few years I've known her-- she's already as tall as me! We went to Mana's for a Spaghetti Factory lunch, which was delish, and little Lulu sat as quiet as she could through the whole meal & cake! Well... She did do a little yelling while Granddaddy said grace, but maybe she just felt left out because nobody was holding her hand!! ;)

After yummy mint cake, we headed home for naps, it'd been a long day already. Luciana had a great time visiting family today, she got to give hugs to everyone, and she loves that. :)

Our girl is sleeping now... She sleeps a few hours then wakes to nurse and keeps that schedule until morning. By that time, she's really tired from waking all night and will usually sleep a good 4 or 5 come sunrise. 

Here's pics from today.... Night!!

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