Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 111

Today we had a visit from Mana-- she took Penelope to the park while Mama & Luciana went on a few errands. Little Lu slept almost the whole time!! Once we got back, after Mana left, after Penelope was taking her nap, Lu and Mama took a nap together! I rarely do that-- only because its rare when both girls are asleep at the same time & time permits me to really actually sleep. It was about half an hour, and it was heaven. Luciana had her little face snuggled into my neck, and her little body right next to mine... It's something I know we won't be able to do forever (she won't want to but I will!!), so I'm going to really enjoy those times that I can now. :) 

We had a good day, despite the rainy start... We're hoping for sunshine tomorrow so we can go to the park with some lunch and play! Love love love my babies, so thankful I get to stay with them all day, every day. ;)


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