Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 88

My poor baby girl... Sigh... She thinks nighttime is for doing the jitterbug. :/ We are so going to address that once she's settled in her new bedroom! I know I keep harping on this sleep thing, but it's all I can really think about right now. :/ 

On another, lighter note, we are less than two weeks away from being in our new home!! :) We have begun packing, but still have a way to go... I have moved before, but never had to pack for a family of four! It's been easier because Daddy is super good at packing and getting us motivated, so that helps! :) We are excited to get there so we can settle in. I'm excited to plan the girls' rooms again, get some girly stuff for Luciana's new room since her nursery now is very gender neutral. We put her into Penelope's old room, with all her gender neutral stuff, neutral since we didn't know P was going to be a girl. So, Mama is excited to get Lu some sweet girl stuff for her room! I'll have to make her a few pillows, just like Penelope has, and a banner with her name. Big plans for Paseo Blanco.... I know we are going to be very happy there. :)

Okay, here's Luciana and I tonight... Goodnight!

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