Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day 79

Man, God sure knew what he was doing when he planned for children to come from TWO parents!! I take my hat off to any and all single parents, it is a rough job, sure to make the most calm and reasonable person want to tear their hair out! Well, today wasn't especially hard until tonight when sweet little Luciana turned into screaming, red-faced, angry Luciana! :/ I'm not sure why this happens, but I remember this with Penelope also-- it's tough any time of the day, but more so when one is tired. Lu is doing well, though, in general. She is talking all the time now, and is growing like a weed. We are tired from raising these two beauties, but it's also fun, funny, sweet and amazing. Like this pic that I took when P woke up from her afternoon nap; Lu and I had been in me & Daddy's bed watching part of "Some Like It Hot" (with Tony Curtis & Jack Lemmon, awesome movie!), anyway, I just plopped P down next to Luciana and snapped away. It's those moments (among many others) that refuel us and keep us smiling. :)

That's all for tonight. Luciana finally fell asleep after I walked her around. My turn. :) Goodnight.

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