Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 62

Today we took Luciana along with us (and our friend & realtor John Leffler) looking at houses. She was, as usual, a perfect little angel. That is, until that moment when Mama is about to eat. It never fails! Luciana will always cry and fuss-- it's funny, Daddy & I laugh about it. She was either asleep or just quietly watching the whole time. We were able to whisk in and out of house after house, and little Lu was as quiet as a mouse. (Heehee. A rhyme.) After our day out, we came home and Luciana spent a little time with Mana. They just snuggled awhile. :)

Now she's fast asleep in her Moses basket right next to Mommy & Daddy's bed. It's still just more convenient while she's nursing so often and waking up multiple times throughout the night. We do hope to transition her into her own room very soon, though! :) 

That's all for today... Goodnight!

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