Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 63

Well! One of the many benefits of breastfeeding Luciana is that when she wakes up at midnight to eat, I can post a blog entry 'cause I forgot to earlier! :) Seriously, though, the nursing is going very well. Luciana is nursing about 7 or 8 times daily, and is growing like a weed! There have been many times when a formula feed would have been more convenient, or less awkward (Mama is very modest, and nursing in public is very hard!) but it is the best thing for our baby girl, so that's what she gets. Daddy is a huge support system for us, too... He helps us get comfortable, will leave his food at a restaurant table to keep Ma company while I nurse in the car, or just remind me that it's time for her to eat. ("When has she last eaten?" Means "Feed her, please!") :) It's rare to have a Daddy so involved, and it's awesome. Luciana has been such a trooper lately, we've taken her house hunting lots, which is exhausting for anyone. We hope the search is over, though, as we've set out sights on a place very near Huntington Beach. Turns out we may not have to be away from family here, which is awesome. We'll see how it turns out..... :)

I'm listening to Luciana breathe deeply next to me, sleeping like a log. What music to my ears! Goodnight!

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