Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 66

Our little Lulu stayed with Mana for a couple hours today while Mama & Penelope went out on a few errands. She slept, drank a bottle (Mommy had to pump), and went on a walk in her stroller. Later, she had a really long nap, I think, because I put her in our bedroom with lights out, shutters closed, and the door halfway closed-- 3 hours in the daytime is amazing!!! Especially with Brutus around (what we jokingly call P sometimes, being that she's a normal loud, heavy handed 15 month old!) 

Tonight, after Penelope had her bath, Luciana had one. She looooooves bath time. She's like her Mama, both the girls do. I pour the warm water over her and let her relax, it's so sweet, she smiles and laughs! :)

She's asleep right next to me now... I'll put her in her Moses basket once I'm ready to go to sleep, and she'll usually sleep 3-4 hours until she wants to nurse. I love it, she's a good sleeper already. :)

Oh! I made Luciana an email account -- a place where we (and that means anyone who wishes to) can write her notes, letters, share memories and funny things, and also photos. It's: Papa and I will have the passwords, and will make sure we keep it going as long as we can. We'll see how it goes....

That's all for today. Mama is tired, and so ready for Daddy to come home. Night!

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